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Zahlreiche national und international wirksame Publikationen, an denen unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen beteiligt sind, belegen die Expertise unserer Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler.
Mester, Z., Coqueugniot, H., Tillier, A.-M., Rosendahl, W., Friedrich, R., Zink, A., Maixner, F., Dutour, O., Bereczki, Z., Gasparik, M., Pap, I. and Pálfi, G. 2023: First direct dating of the Late Neanderthal remains from Subalyuk Cave in Northern Hungary. Journal of Biological and Clinical Anthropology - Anthropologischer Anzeiger
Szvák, E., Györy, H., Scheffer, K., Rosendahl, W., Zesch, S., Zink, A., Piombino-Mascali, D., GirčiusS, R., Pálfi, G., Pap, I. 2023: On some mummy findings from the Semmelweis Museum of Medical History, Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. Journal of Biological and Clinical Anthropology - Anthropologischer Anzeiger 80, No. 2, 233-240
Kavcik-Graumann, N., Alberti, F., Döppes, D., Friedrich, R., Stockhammer, J., Lindauer, S., Hofreiter, M., Rabed, G., 2023, The cave bear fauna of the cave Schottloch (Dachstein Mountains, Austria), e-Research Reports of Museum Burg Golling, ..
Cornelis, B., Wittke, A., Neumann, D., Berger, D. 2023: Swords of the North: First results of the geochemical characterisation of Bronze Age blades of Sögel-Wohlde, in S. Klein, C. Berthold, D. Berger, E. Pernicka (Hrsg.): Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2023: Jahrestagung an den Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim, 28. März bis 01. April 2023, METALLA Sonderheft 12, 69–71, Bochum
Mozgai, V., Bajnóczi, B., Pernicka, E., Mráv, Z. 2023: Composition and raw material provenance of the Seuso Treasure and other late Roman silver objects from the Pannonian provinces, in S. Nisi, E. Spagnoli (eds.): Archeo.Metalli(Ag, Pb,Cu). Materiali e tecniche di analisi per l'archeologia e la numismatica. Naus editoria Napoli, pp. 25-30
Numrich, M., Schwall, C., Lockhoff, N., Nikolentzos, K., Konstantinidi-Syvridi, E., Cultraro, M., Horejs,B., Pernicka, E. 2023: Portable laser ablation sheds light on Early Bronze Age gold treasures in the old world: New insights from Troy, Poliochni, and related finds. Journal of Archaeological Science 149
Numrich, M., Schwall, C., Lockhoff, N., Nikolentzos, K., Konstantinidi-Syvridi, E., Cultraro, M., Horejs,B., Pernicka, E., 2023, Portable laser ablation sheds light on Early Bronze Age gold treasures in the old world: New insights from Troy, Poliochni, and related finds., Journal of Archaeological Science, 2023, 0.
Nicklisch, N., Ramsthaler, F., Bunnefeld, JH., Schulz, G., Friedrich, R., Alt, K.W., Meller, H., 2022, Bioarchaeological investigations of the princely grave at Helmsdorf attesting to the violent death of an Early Bronze Age leader, Scientific Reports, 1-12.
Berger, D., Brügmann, G., Friedrich, R., Lutz, J., Meyer, H.-P., Pernicka, E., , 2022, Shiny bronze in glassy matter: an inconspicuous piece of slag from the Bronze Age mining site of Mušiston (Tajikistan) and its significance for the development of tin …, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 1-29.
Rath, K., Käßner, A., Melisch, C., Powers, N., Tichomirowa, M., Nagy, M., Friedrich, R., Riege, J., Rothe, J., 2022, Genetic and isotope analysis of a triple burial from medieval St. Peter’s cemetery in Cölln/Berlin., Forensic Science International: Genetics, ..
Massy, K., Friedrich, R., Mittnik, A., Stockhammer, P.W., 2022, Pedigree-based Bayesian modelling of radiocarbon dates., PLOS ONE, . e0270374.
Namen, A., Varis,A., Lindauer,S., Friedrich,R., Taimagambetov,Z., Iovita,R., 2022, Nazugum, a new 4000 year old rockshelter site in the Ili Alatau, Tien Shan, Archaeological Research in Asia, 5.