Akademischer und beruflicher Werdegang
Seit 2011
Wissenschaftliche und technische Angestellte bei der CEZA
Promotion an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt zum Thema „Radiocarbon Reservoir Effects on Shells from SE Arabia in the Context of Paleoenvironmental Studies”
Technische Angestellte Forschungsstelle Radiometrie der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (HdAK)
Studium Physik/Astrophysik/Medizinphysik Open University Milton Keynes/UK, Masterthesis 2005 “The pn-CCD – from Astronomy to Mammography?”
Technische Angestellte Forschungsstelle Archäometrie der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (HdAK)
Ausbildung Physikalisch-Technische Assistentin BBSI Ludwigshafen
Studium Physik und Astrophysik Universität Heidelberg
Mitgliedschaften und ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten
Mitglied der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
Mitglied der European Geophysical Union
Lindauer, S. et al.: Funny Wrappings – Challenging your radiocarbon laboratory
Lindauer, S., Friedrich, R., 2023, Funny Wrappings - Challenging your radiocarbon laboratoryRadiocarbon, 1-4.
Kavcik-Graumann, N. et al.: The cave bear fauna of the cave Schottloch (Dachstein Mountains, Austria)
Kavcik-Graumann, N., Alberti, F., Döppes, D., Friedrich, R., Stockhammer, J., Lindauer, S., Hofreiter, M., Rabed, G., 2023, The cave bear fauna of the cave Schottloch (Dachstein Mountains, Austria), e-Research Reports of Museum Burg Golling, ..
Namen, A. et al.: Nazugum, a new 4000 year old rockshelter site in the Ili Alatau, Tien Shan
Namen, A., Varis,A., Lindauer,S., Friedrich,R., Taimagambetov,Z., Iovita,R., 2022, Nazugum, a new 4000 year old rockshelter site in the Ili Alatau, Tien Shan, Archaeological Research in Asia, 5.
Döppes, D. et al.: The late pleistocene cave bear fauna of the Torrener Bärenhöhle in the northern alps (Salzburg, Austria)
Döppes, D., Alberti, F., Barlow, A., Krutter, S., Friedrich, R., Hofreiter, M., Lindauer, S., Kavcik-Graumann, Rosendahl, W., Rabeder G., 2021, The late pleistocene cave bear fauna of the Torrener Bärenhöhle in the northern alps (Salzburg, Austria), Historical Biology.
Decker, V. et al.: Collapse of Holocene mangrove ecosystems along the coastline of Oman
Decker, V., Falkenroth, M., Lindauer, S., Landgraf, J., Al-Lawati, Z., Al-Rahbi, H., Franz, S.O., Hoffmann, G. , 2021, Collapse of Holocene mangrove ecosystems along the coastline of Oman, Quaternary Research, 260-262..
Krutter, S. et al.: Die jungpleistozäne Höhlenfauna der Bärenfalle im Tennengebirge (Salzburg, Österreich). Ergebnisse aus der Forschungskampagne 2015-2017
Krutter, S., Frischauf, C., Rabeder, G., Brandner, D., Döppes, D., Friedrich, R., Lindauer, S., Rosendahl, W., Strasser, W. , 2010, Die jungpleistozäne Höhlenfauna der Bärenfalle im Tennengebirge (Salzburg, Österreich). Ergebnisse aus der Forschungskampagne 2015-2017, Mitteilungen aus dem Haus der Natur / Haus der Natur und Forschung, Salzburg, -.
Friedrich, R. et al.: A new annual 14C dataset for calibrating the Thera eruption
Friedrich, R., Kromer, B., Wacker, L., Olsen, J., Remmele, S., Lindauer, S., Land, A., Pearson, C., 2020, A new annual 14C dataset for calibrating the Thera eruption, Radiocarbon, 62, 1-9.
Zesch, S. et al.: Blunt force trauma: an exceptional example of an ancient Egyptian mummy head
Zesch, S., Madea, B., Pommerening, T., Panzer, S., Henzler, T., Polfer, M., Janssen, S., Friedrich, R., Lindauer, S., Rosendahl, W. , 2020, Blunt force trauma: an exceptional example of an ancient Egyptian mummy head, Anthropologischer Anzeiger; Bericht über die Biologisch-anthropologische Literatur, 75-82.
Alt, K. W. et al.: A massacre of early Neolithic farmers in the high Pyrenees at Els Trocs
Alt, K. W., Rodríguez, C. T., Nicklisch, N., Roth, D., Nagy, A. S., Knipper, C., Lindauer, S., Held, P., Martínez de Lagrán, Í.G., Schulz, G., Schuerch, T., Thieringer, Brantner, P., Brandt, G., Israel, N., Arcusa Magallón, H., Meyer, C., Mende, B.G., Enzmann, F., Dresely, V., Ramsthaler, F., Royo Guillén, J.I., Scheurer, E., López Montalvo, E., Garrido Pena, R., Pichler, S.L., Rojo Guerra, M.A., Schuerch, T. , 2020, A massacre of early Neolithic farmers in the high Pyrenees at Els Trocs, Scientific Reports, 1-10.
Mittnik, A. et al.: Kinship-based social inequality in Bronze Age Europe
Mittnik, A., Massy, K., Knipper, C., Wittenborn, F., Friedrich, R., Pfrengle, S., Burri, M., Carlichi-Witjes, N., Deeg, H., Furtwängler, A., Harbeck, M., von Heyking, K., Kociumaka, C., Kucukkalipci, I., Lindauer, S., Metz, S., Staskiewicz, A., Thiel, A., Wahl, J., Haak, W., Pernicka, E., Schiffels, S., Stockhammer, P.W., Krause, J., , 2019, Kinship-based social inequality in Bronze Age Europe, Science, 731-734.
Lindauer, S. et al.: Highly-resolved radiocarbon measurements on shells from Kalba, UAE, using carbonate handling system and gas ion source with MICADAS
Lindauer, S., Friedrich, R., van Gyseghem, R., Schöne, B.R., Hinderer M. , 2019, Highly-resolved radiocarbon measurements on shells from Kalba, UAE, using carbonate handling system and gas ion source with MICADAS, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 146-153.
Dávila, S. L. et al.: Guatemala’s Late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) fauna: Revision and interpretation
Dávila, S. L., Stinnesbeck, S. R., Gonzalez, S., Lindauer, S., Escamilla, J., Stinnesbeck, W. , 2019, Guatemala's Late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) fauna: Revision and interpretation, Quaternary Science Reviews, 277-296.
Lindauer, S.: Radiocarbon Reservoir Effects on Shells from SE Arabia in the Context of Paleoenvironmental Studies
Lindauer, S. , 2019, Radiocarbon Reservoir Effects on Shells from SE Arabia in the Context of Paleoenvironmental Studies, PhD Doctorial Thesis, Technical University Darmstadt.
Friedrich, R. et al.: Annual 14C tree-ring data around 400AD: Mid and high-latitude records
Friedrich, R., Kromer, B., Sirocko, F., Esper, J., Nievergelt, D., Lindauer, S., Heussner, K.-U., Westphal, Th. , 2019, Annual 14C tree-ring data around 400AD: Mid and high-latitude records, Radiocarbon, 1305-1316.
Hindle, D. et al.: The Ulakhan fault surface rupture and the seismicity of the Okhotsk–North America plate boundary
Hindle, D., ., Sedov, B., Lindauer, S., Mackey, K. , 2019, The Ulakhan fault surface rupture and the seismicity of the Okhotsk–North America plate boundary, Solid Earth, 561-580.
Méry, S. et al.: Neolithic settlement pattern and environment evolution along the coast of the northern UAE: the case of Umm al-Quwain UAQ36 vs. UAQ2 and Akab shell-middens
Méry, S., Degli Esposti, M., Aoustin, D., Borgi, F., Gallou, C., Leroyer, C., Lidour, K., Lindauer, S., Preston, G.W., Parker, A.G. , 2019, Neolithic settlement pattern and environment evolution along the coast of the northern UAE: the case of Umm al-Quwain UAQ36 vs. UAQ2 and Akab shell-middens, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 223-240.
Bretzke, K. et al.: Evidence of Neolithic settlement in the foothills of the Western al-Hajar Mountains
Bretzke, K., Parton, A., Lindauer, S., Kennet, D., 2018, Evidence of Neolithic settlement in the foothills of the Western al-Hajar Mountains, Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 103-114.
Rossi, M. et al.: The first directly dated cave bear from the Covoli di Velo Cave (VeronaProvince, Veneto, northern Italy) with some discussion of Italian Alps cave bears
Rossi, M., ., Santi, G., Zorzin, R., Döppes, D., Friedrich, R., Lindauer, S., Rosendahl, W., 2018, The first directly dated cave bear from the Covoli di Velo Cave (VeronaProvince, Veneto, northern Italy) with some discussion of Italian Alps cave bears, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 145-152.
Stinnesbeck, S. et al.: The Muknal cave near Tulum, Mexico: An early Holocene funeral site on the Yucatán peninsula
Stinnesbeck, S., Stinnesbeck, W., Terrazas Mata, A., Avilés, J., Benavente Sanvicente, M., Zell, P., Frey, E., Lindauer, S., Rojas Sandoval, C., Velasquez Morlet, A., Acevez Nunez, E., Gonzalez, A. , 2018, The Muknal cave near Tulum, Mexico: An early Holocene funeral site on the Yucatán peninsula, The Holocene, 1992-2005.
Lindauer, S. et al.: Heating mollusc shells – A radiocarbon and microstructure perspective from archaeological shells recovered from Kalba, Sharjah Emirate, UAE
Lindauer, S., Milano, S., Steinhof, A., Hinderer, M. , 2018, Heating mollusc shells - A radiocarbon and microstructure perspective from archaeological shells recovered from Kalba, Sharjah Emirate, UAE, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 528-537.
Döppes, D. et al.: Extinction pattern of Alpine cave bears – new data and climatological interpretation
Döppes, D., Rabeder, G., Frischauf, C., Kavcik-Graumann, N., Kromer, B., Lindauer, S., Friedrich, R., Rosendahl, W., 2018, Extinction pattern of Alpine cave bears - new data and climatological interpretation, Historical Biology, 422-428.
Uerpmann, M. et al.: HLO1‐south: An Early Neolithic site in Wadi al‐Hilo (Sharjah, UAE)
Uerpmann, M., Uerpmann, H.P., Hinderer, M., Lindauer, S., Neureiter, C., Ghukasyan, R., Kesejyan, S., Petrosyan, A. , 2018, HLO1‐south: An Early Neolithic site in Wadi al‐Hilo (Sharjah, UAE), Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 1-9.
Lindauer, S. et al.: The local marine reservoir effect at Kalba (UAE) between the Neolithic and Bronze Age: An indicator of sea level and climate changes
Lindauer, S., Santos, G.M., Steinhof, A., Yousif, E., Phillips, C., Jasim, S.A. Uerpmann,H.-P., Hinderer M. , 2017, The local marine reservoir effect at Kalba (UAE) between the Neolithic and Bronze Age: An indicator of sea level and climate changes, Quaternary Geochronology Supplement C, 42, 105-116.
Kromer, B. et al.: Radiokohlenstoff-Datierungen im Projekt ICE-Neubaustrecke Erfurt–Leipzig/Halle – methodische Fortschritte
Kromer, B., Friedrich, R., Lindauer, S. , 2017, Radiokohlenstoff-Datierungen im Projekt ICE-Neubaustrecke Erfurt–Leipzig/Halle – methodische Fortschritte, in H. Meller, M. Becker (Hrsg.) Neue Gleise auf alten Wegen II: Jüdendorf bis Gröbers, Archäologie in Sachsen-Anhalt Sonderband, 26, Halle (Saale), 47-49.
Kunze, F. et al.: Das eisenzeitliche Grabenwerk im Gewerbegebiet Wahrbrink II in Werne
Kunze, F., Lindauer, S., Baales, M. , 2017, Das eisenzeitliche Grabenwerk im Gewerbegebiet Wahrbrink II in Werne, Archäologie in Westfalen-Lippe, 2016, 63-67.
Tomasto-Cagigao, E. et al.: El hombre de Lauricocha medio siglo después
Tomasto-Cagigao, E., Lindauer, S., Fehren-Schmitz, L. , 2017, El hombre de Lauricocha medio siglo después, Simposio La Arqueometria Como Puente Para El Estudio Interdisciplinario, Congreso National de Arqueologia, Vol.2, Lima, 191-203.
Lindauer, S. et al.: Investigating the Local Reservoir Age and Stable Isotopes of Shells from Southeast Arabia
Lindauer, S., Marali, S., Schöne, B.R., Uerpmann, H.-P., Kromer, B., Hinderer, M., 2017, Investigating the Local Reservoir Age and Stable Isotopes of Shells from Southeast Arabia, Radiocarbon, 59, 355-372.
Lindauer, S. et al.: Carbonate Sample Preparation for 14C Dating using an Elemental Analyzer
Lindauer, S., Kromer, B., 2016, Carbonate Sample Preparation for 14C Dating using an Elemental Analyzer, Radiocarbon, 364-372.
Lindauer, S.: Lumineszenz an Ofeninventar
Lindauer, S., 2016, Lumineszenz an Ofeninventar, in G.V. Grimm (Hrsg.) Lumineszenz an Ofeninventar, in G.V. Grimm (Hrsg.), Büchenbach, 312-318.
Döppes, D. et al.: Unexpected! New AMS dating from Austrian cave bear sites
Döppes, D., Pacher, M., Rabeder, G., Lindauer, S., Friedrich, R., Kromer, B., Rosendahl, W., 2016, Unexpected! New AMS dating from Austrian cave bear sites, Cranium, 33(1), 26-30.
Lindauer, S. et al.: The skeletons of Lauricocha: New data on old bones
Lindauer, S., Tomasto-Cagigao, E., Fehren-Schmitz, L., 2015, The skeletons of Lauricocha: , New data on old bones, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 387-394.
Fehren-Schmitz, L. et al.: A re-appraisal of the early Andean human remains from Lauricocha in Peru
Fehren-Schmitz, L., Llamas, B., Lindauer, S., Tomasto-Cagigao, E., Kuzminsky, S., Rohland, N., Santos, F.R., Kaulicke, P., Valverde, G., Richards, S.M., Nordenfelt, S., Seidenberg, V., Mallick, S., Cooper, A., Reich, D., Haak, W., 2015, A re-appraisal of the early Andean human remains from Lauricocha in Peru, PlosOne, 2015, e0127141..
Fehren-Schmitz, L. et al.: Genome-wide data from ancient Peruvian highlanders and the Population History of South America
Fehren-Schmitz, L., Skoglund, P., Llamas, B., Lindauer, S., Tomasto-Cagigao, E., Kuzminsky, S., Rohland, N., Nordenfelt, S., Mallick, S., Cooper, A. , 2015, Genome-wide data from ancient Peruvian highlanders and the Population History of South America, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2015, 131.
Lindauer, S.: Venustransit: Von Mannheim zu den Kerguelen-Inseln
Lindauer, S., 2014, Venustransit: Von Mannheim zu den Kerguelen-Inseln, Mannheimer Geschichtsblätter, 59-74.
Kromer, B. et al.: MAMS – A new AMS facility at the Curt-Engelhorn-Centre for Achaeometry, Mannheim, Germany
Kromer, B., Lindauer, S., Synal, H-A., Wacker, L., 2013, MAMS – A new AMS facility at the Curt-Engelhorn-Centre for Achaeometry, Mannheim, Germany, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 11–13.