HISCAR – A second revolution!
The CEZA project HISCAR closes important gaps to create the longest uninterrupted period of annually resolved ¹⁴C data.

¹⁴C is the solution
Radiocarbon (14C) dating is a universally applicable dating method in archaeology as well as in geosciences, biosciences or environmental sciences, as well as in climate and solar research. Especially for organic materials, 14C dating is a universal and precise method for age determination.

BMBF funding for innovative research with radiocarbon (¹⁴C)
CEZA received funding from the BMBF on the basis of the Research Grants Act for the project "Basic research into the carbon cycle and its influence on climate and archaeology".

Dating of the Thera eruption: CEZA presents a new ¹⁴C finding
From the German oak tree-ring chronology, annually resolved tree-ring samples from the period 1625-1510 BC were analysed.