Since the digitally recorded tree ring patterns contain further information beyond the age of the trees, the result is a constantly growing collection of data on climatic processes, resolved to the exact year.
- Runtime: 28.05.2015 - 31.08.2018
- Supporter: EU
- Partner: Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen
The cooperation with the State Archaeological Office of Saxony in the EU-funded project on medieval silver ore mining “ArchaeoMontan2018 – Medieval Mining in Saxony and Bohemia” (2016-18) ended in the second half of 2018.
Participants: Dr. Christiane Hemker (LDA Sachsen)
A total of 880 timbers from various mining activities in the Erzgebirge region were analysed. As expressly emphasised in numerous lectures and at the final conference in August 2018, the chronological classification of the samples contributed significantly to the continuous specification of the findings on medieval mining in the study area.
Since the digitally recorded tree ring patterns contain further information beyond the age of the trees, the result is a constantly growing collection of data on climatic processes, resolved to the exact year.
In addition, changes in the forest image or forest composition, e.g. due to anthropogenic influence over long periods of time, can be examined more closely. This will be integrated in a follow-up project in the near future, which will focus on exactly these aspects and develop models or recommendations for future forest compositions better adapted to fluctuating climatic conditions.