Elka Duberow was born in Freiberg in 1980. From 1998 on, she studied archaeometry at the Technical University of Freiberg and received her diploma in 2004. Elka Duberow has been working at CEZA gGmbH since 2006 and is responsible for the overall administrative area of the institute as authorized signatory since 2019.
Academic and professional background
Since 2019
Authorized signatory
Since 2011
Advisor to the Board at CEZA
Training as certified management assistant with focus on communication
Research associate at CEZA
Postgraduate studies in business administration at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Study of archaeometry at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, title of diploma thesis: „Archäometallurgische Untersuchungen an frühbronzezeitlichen Funden aus Ostösterreich (Gräberfelder von Hainburg und Mannersdorf)”
Čivilytė, A. et al.: The new Late Bronze Age hoard find from Kobbelbude (former Eastern Prussia, district Fischhausen) and the first results of its archaeometallurgical investigations
Čivilytė, A., Duberow, E., Pernicka, E., Skvortzov, K. , 2015, The new Late Bronze Age hoard find from Kobbelbude (former Eastern Prussia, district Fischhausen) and the first results of its archaeometallurgical investigations, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 9, 755–761.
Čivilytė, A. et al.: His left foot: A new investigation of the oriental Bronze Age figurine from Šernai (Western Lithuania) and the question of its authenticity
Čivilytė, A., Duberow, E. Pernicka, E., 2015, His left foot: A new investigation of the oriental Bronze Age figurine from Šernai (Western Lithuania) and the question of its authenticity, Germania, 93, 97-120.
Duberow, E. et al.: Eastern Alps or Western Carpathians: Early Bronze Age Metal within the Wieselburg Culture.
Duberow, E., Pernicka, E., Krenn-Leeb, A., 2009, Eastern Alps or Western Carpathians: Early Bronze Age Metal within the Wieselburg Culture., In: Kienlin, T.L. und Roberts, B.W. (Hrsg.) 2009: Metals and Societies. Studies in honour of Barbara S. Ottaway. , Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie , Bonn, 336-349.