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Dr. Andreas Wittke

Research Assistent


Academic and professional background

Since 2022

Research Assistent at CEZA


Laboratory Manager at Saxony Minerals & Exploration AG Halsbrücke


Training as radiation safety officer


Research Assistent at Czech Geological Survey in Prague


PhD at the Institute for Mineralogy of the Westfälischen Wilhelms-University Münster: Titel of the PhD thesis: “Transport and Recrystallization Processes in Marine Deep-Sea Sediments by using Ca Isotope Fractionation”


MSc. Geoscience at the Institute for Geology und Mineralogy of the University Cologne. Titel of the Master thesis: “Rekonstruktion der Migration spätpleistozäner Pferde und Hirsche des Neuwieder Beckens mittels der Analyse stabiler Isotope (C, O, Sr) des Zahnschmelzes”. (Provenance analysis of late pleistocene horses and red deer from the Neuwied Basin using stable isotopes (C, O, Sr) of the tooth enamel).


BSc. Geoscience at the Institute for Geology und Mineralogy of the University Cologne. Titel of the Bachelor thesis: “Die Lu-Hf Systematik von fossilem biogenem Apatit – ein geochronologischer Ansatz”. (The Lu-Hf systematic of fossil biogenic apatite – a geochronological approach).


  • Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG)
  • Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geologische Vereinigung (DGGV)
  • Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler (BDG)
